Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Peer Reviews Lead To Quality Code - By Jonathan Hassell

Do you use peer reviews? Do you think they're effective? Jonathan Hassell (@jghassell) who runs 82 Ventures, a technical writing and consulting firm based in Charlotte, N.C., offers this perspective on why peer reviews can improve the quality and efficiency of businesses' software projects.

Hassell states,
"If you could deploy existing resources to improve the quality and timeliness of your software development projects, you’d probably jump at the chance. So what is this magic elixir?The peer review."
He explains why peer reviews are an efficient process that saves time and money for companies by utilizing internal resources: 
"Successful peer reviews are a significant indicator of quality and, if implemented regularly, peer reviews can save a lot of time and money. If errors are identified and corrected before they’re integrated into further builds, there will be fewer defects and projects will get delivered more quickly."
Hassell also covers common objections to peer reviews, and how to overcome them in order to build this practice into your business processes as a cultural change.

Read the full article on CIO.com

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